Fomalhaut the Star

The Big Bang Theory

What is it?
The Big Bang Theory is an explanation of how our universe was created. About 15 billion years ago a huge explosion started the expansion and creation of our universe, that explosion is known as the Big Bang. During this time, the temperature of the universe was 1,000 Billion degrees Kelvin, and it had a density of nuclear matter, which is 1014 g/cm³.  The nuclear particles cooled and became stable matter.  The Big Bang created all the of the known and unknown elements that exist today in all of the universe.  The universe is still believed to be expanding today because of the Big Bang.

Edwin Hubble   
The origin of the Big Bang is considered founded by Edwin Hubble. One observation that Hubble made was the the universe is always expanding. He discovered that galaxies that are twice as far from us are moving twice as fast. The universe is expanding in every direction and this was discovered by seeing light from distant galaxies.

Edwin Hubble wasn't the only one that thought our universe is moving, Albert Einstein was the first to suggest that our universe was moving.  Einstein's early research was what led Hubble to his theory of the expanding universe.  When Einstein suggested that the universe was moving it was very advanced for his time so even he didn't really believe his research.  Einstein's equations show that our universe should be expanding.  Not just because the galaxies are moving through space and being pulled together by gravity but because of all the empty space in between them is expanding.

Expansion of the Universe
One of the reasons that the universe is believed to be expanding is because of the Doppler Effect. 
The light Hubble saw from other galaxies was red, now known as the Red Shift.  This shows that the universe is expanding because of the Doppler Effect.  The Doppler Effect states that as objects move away from you they look red and if objects are coming closer to you then they will look violet or bluish.  If an object is moving away from you it looks red because the wave lengths are getting longer and red is the longest wavelength of visible light.  If an object is moving towards you than it will look violet or bluish because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths.  If the light Hubble saw was violet or bluish than that would mean our universe is contracting.

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